If there’s one thing we could all agree on, the last few years have been highly mentally demanding.Here at the Web Capitals you are in the right hub to improve your mental health & wellness ! You are here because you are frustrated and no longer want to stay with emotional instability alone. The Web Capitals is here for you with different strategies to fight back.

Exercise as a miraculous antidepressant for mental health
Many of you may have negative connotations attached to ‘exercise’, such as sad memories of PE classes or find exercises uninteresting and tedious. Nevertheless, exercise is integral to curing numerous health issues like high blood sugar, high blood pressure and even depression and anxiety. Regular physical activity helps your brain run a tight ship. Physical activities ramp up the production of happy hormones such as endorphins, serotonin and dopamine. These hormones are the reasons for the sudden uplift in your mood during and after exercise. Endorphins aid in relieving pain, reducing stress and improving your well-being. To reap the full benefits, you must constantly make an effort. If you do not enjoy a particular workout, you will likely quit exercising within a few weeks (if not days). Pick up a fun exercise routine or a sport you enjoy. Ignore whatever you have told about the exercises you should be doing based on age, gender, ability, etc. If you like dancing, join a dance club; if you love running, start by running a few hundred meters; do whichever activity you love.

Establishing social ties
People try too hard to incorporate energy-boosting habits like doing exercise daily but still need help to do it regularly. To make it easier, find a community around you that keeps you resilient and motivates you to exercise daily. You could build a new local sports club in your neighbourhood. Beyond being in the company of health fanatics, socializing helps to establish new relationships and cultivate a sense of belonging to the community, which staves off feelings of loneliness and, in turn, uplifts mood. Besides, frequently contact parents, siblings, nephews/nieces and grandparents. Your busy schedule might only allow you to visit them occasionally. Still, you can always stay connected with them by, for instance, sharing photos, sending bouquets of fresh flowers or video chatting with them when free. In addition, allocate some time to serve your community once a fortnight at least. Studies have shown that social work practices are positively correlated with mental health promotion. You are performing acts of service release oxytocin hormone, a feel-good hormone that increases individuals’ self-esteem and optimism. Volunteerism is considered the best form of self-care.

Mindfulness for improving mental health
The crucial step to managing your mental health is constantly being mindful. Mindfulness is a way of being aware. The experience of mindfulness comes more naturally to some people than others, but it can be learned through practice. Here are some steps to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life. Pay attention to your breath. Becoming aware of your breath is the first step to getting started with mindfulness. A mindful walk in a park in your neighborhood is also an effective mindfulness practice. Besides, sun exposure has been associated with increased serotonin production and thus, a mindful walk in the park can substantially enhance your cognitive functioning.

Time to take a mental health retreat
When things are moving so fast and uncertain, it’s helpful to take a step back and be introspective. Going for a mental retreat does that to you. It is when you can detach from everything that distracts you from taking care of yourself and helps you self-examine. Mental health retreat will help you to pause and detox your mind. Find any spa, yoga centre or boutique accommodation in your city’s suburbs and book it for the coming weekend. Rest assured that it will move the needle of your mental well-being for the better.
Step out of your comfort zone.
Getting out of your bubble and exploring new opportunities will help you to break mental barriers and will help you develop a growth mindset. Clinical psychology researchers Jessica Schleider, Madelaine Abel, and John Weisz thoroughly studied 17 studies involving over 6,500 students. They found that a fixed mindset was associated with more mental health problems in teenagers. Compared to their peers with a growth mindset, fixed mindset youth were 58% more likely to show more severe symptoms of anxiety, depression, or aggression. To build a growth mindset, try new activities. If you don’t know how to swim, join a swimming training centre; if you don’t know how to cook, learn to cook. Discover the new passion and see how it shapes your mental health and well-being.
It’s easy to get distracted and lose yourself in this increasingly volatile world—set goals for yourself daily regarding the next step of your mental strength training.
The above few strategies will provide you tranquillity which will help you to overcome any situation. This is a gentle reminder to allocate some time in your day for self-care. Stay updated with the Web Capitals for more!
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