E-learning has been introduced as a new means of carrying forward education during this pandemic situation. Now the question is, has it been a curse or a blessing to both students and teachers?

Since December of 2019, approximately 215 countries have been affected by the novel coronavirus. To keep the spread in control, Governments incorporated new regulations, closure of educational institutions being one of them.
All the educational institutions across the world have enforced E-learning to surpass the education gap created by a global crisis. Students are now attending in their PJs, sitting at home. Ten months down the pandemic, some countries are opening schools and colleges. While others are still fighting the coronavirus hard, leading to e-learning being the only solution to prevent session jam.
How does E-learning work?
Education institutions around the world are using various online education platforms to continue class with full enthusiasm. They are using platforms, for example, GoogleMeet, Zoom, Google Classroom. Some are also putting to use social media platforms such as- Facebook, Skype, Instagram, Messenger, and more.
Teachers are taking the same old classes but what’s different is the medium. Professors are now teaching their students sitting in front of a computer screen rather than a traditional classroom.
With the rapid spread of novel Coronavirus, there were no other options for educational institutions than to opt for E-learning. With online education, we can ensure a continuous flow of knowledge, it has also been troublesome for quite many.
The challenges of E-learning
Even though E learning has its merits, it comes with a few challenges as well.
Research has shown that people in developed countries are more likely to get access to a steady internet connection. On the other hand, the ones living in underdeveloped or developing countries are struggling every day.
E-learning has become a solution to overcome the knowledge gap that covid-19 was creating. However, in my opinion, it is not a comprehensive and all-inclusive solution. In addition to that, enormous students and educators are unable to get access to a basic need, i.e. education.
On the other hand, several students, especially younger pupils don’t have their own devices to attend regular classes. E-learning is not effective if you don’t have a computer for work/study purposes.
In Canada, the Government is providing students with devices such as iPads, for their ease of attending classes without disruption. However, well-off countries like Canada are capable enough to afford such expenses. On the other hand, underdeveloped countries are nowhere close to considering such a huge step.
Our younger generation is adept at technologies and is more adaptive to any change. However, the older generation already struggles to use new technologies. A technology-based education system is troublesome for many people engaged in the education sector.
Firstly, they don’t have enough expertise to use new devices and technology platforms regularly. As a result, this not only slows down the process but also disrupts the entire system. Finally, the lack of expertise results in poor user experience.
Also, we have to emphasize another important aspect. Many educators have said how e-learning can create a lack of discipline in the classroom. Especially for younger classes, school is a mechanism for children to learn discipline and manners. But with e-learning, you can’t ensure that one hundred percent.
How effective is E-learning?
Slowly the world is transforming itself, and everything & everyone around us is dependent on technology more or less. E-learning is the eventual destination of world evolution. However, considering the current situation of the world, E-learning is not the best solution for all countries.
E-learning can be essential for people who have access to the right kind of technology. The amount of information available on the internet is vast. In response to that, students can learn new things from different sources. On the other hand, if we consider the storing capabilities, students can retain a lot more information online than traditionally.
Students and teachers in developed countries can easily use and adapt to the norms of online education. The reason behind this is, they are already used to advanced technologies regularly. However, the current picture of the world doesn’t agree with this completely. The majority of the countries are still on a growth curve. In countries like this, advanced technology is a luxury that not everyone can afford.
E-learning would truly be effective all around the world if everyone could get access to the benefits of it equally.
Can we go back to the traditional education system?

In my opinion, E-learning is going to leave its mark on the education sector. Even if countries jump back to the traditional way of education after the surge of the global pandemic.
To be real, keeping the challenges of it aside, the countries using E-learning properly are touting its benefits. E-learning is very efficient, and we can use it effectively to enhance class engagement.
However, several countries, for instance, the United States of have already taken a step to reopening its school premises. However, it is quite illogical to reopen schools in full swing. So these countries are also depending on e-learning and traditional systems by keeping a balance between both.
So, even if we can go back to traditional education, E-learning has changed our education system forever. We can say that it will remain this way for a while now.
E-learning and its woes
The pressure given to students in the name of “online education” is triggering stress and depression in the younger generation.
Coronavirus has disrupted the courses of our lives, and we are still adjusting to the changes. On top of that, attending classes regularly and strict deadlines can affect mental health of the students. Many students are stuck with poor internet connectivity, having to complete tasks within strict deadlines can be very hectic.
People are falling sick left and right. The death rate increasing every day. Movement restrictions. These are enough to take a toll on the youngster’s thought process. Schools should be more flexible and create rooms to make mistakes and learn rather than imposing stern policies.

Due to the current pandemic situation, E-learning has become a part of our daily lives in one way or another. And we can conclude that: it’s for the better. The world is pacing fast. Everything around us is becoming technology dependent. So in a situation like this, e learning can help us to get more comfortable with the norms of technology. We can improve our adaptive skills during such challenges.
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